[KFA MARKETPLACE] Acrylic Macropad with Underglow

Sale price$100.00

Acrylic Macropad with Underglow

Description: Acrylic macropad built with L+F Gat Ink V2s, will throw in a set of DSA keycaps rainbow

Condition: 4 out of 5

All the products listed on KFA Marketplace is 100% guaranteed by KFA and meant to be a highway for keyboards and related products. We will be offering this service for all keyboards and keyboard products to allow peace of mind for both the buyer and the seller as it is backed by a company that will guarantee the sale.

If you would like to sell your used or unused keyboards, keycaps or any keyboard products on KFA, please fill out this form.

NOTE: There is a 9% fee for order cancellations.

Sellers: Seller will receive the funds once the product arrives at the KFA warehouse and inspected.
Buyers: If the product doesn't arrive in a satisfactory condition as it is stated on the product page, KeebsForAll guarantees a refund upon verification to the buyer, and delivery back to our warehouse.

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